Blue Raspberry - Turbo Dork

2 available

I mean really, who came up with this as a flavor when we were kids? They should get a medal.

Blue Raspberry develops into a blue front-facing color that quickly transitions to purple. It is one of the most "active" paints and shows off the shift effect in almost any lighting situation.

Note: Blue Raspberry must be used over a black basecoat to see the shift effect. If used over white, it appears white.

Paint Type: Turboshift


Tone: midrange

Recommended Basecoat: black

UCL Description:vivid blue to deep purplish pink shifting metallic

Size: 22 ml bottle

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I mean really, who came up with this as a flavor when we were kids? They should get a medal.

Blue Raspberry develops into a blue front-facing color that quickly transitions to purple. It is one of the most "active" paints and shows off the shift effect in almost any lighting situation.

Note: Blue Raspberry must be used over a black basecoat to see the shift effect. If used over white, it appears white.

Paint Type: Turboshift


Tone: midrange

Recommended Basecoat: black

UCL Description:vivid blue to deep purplish pink shifting metallic

Size: 22 ml bottle

I mean really, who came up with this as a flavor when we were kids? They should get a medal.

Blue Raspberry develops into a blue front-facing color that quickly transitions to purple. It is one of the most "active" paints and shows off the shift effect in almost any lighting situation.

Note: Blue Raspberry must be used over a black basecoat to see the shift effect. If used over white, it appears white.

Paint Type: Turboshift


Tone: midrange

Recommended Basecoat: black

UCL Description:vivid blue to deep purplish pink shifting metallic

Size: 22 ml bottle

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